Get to really know…….. Every month we publish a profile to introduce and get to know our therapists a little better. This month, we look at the profile of Reflexologist, Julie Grant-Hapeshi. Julie is a founder member of the Guild and is currently the treausrer of the group.
Name: Julie Grant-Hapeshi
Place of Birth? Central London
What is your therapy? Reflexology and Aromatherapy (I don’t practice aromatherapy at present)
Where are you based? At present I am based in Llanidloes but I am looking into expanding my clinic to Shrewsbury.
How long have you been a therapist? I have been a Reflexologist for 11years, and prior to that, I qualified as an Aromatherapist 21years ago.
Where did you do your training? I trained in Aromatherapy at the London School of Aromatherapy and attained my Reflexology Diploma in Harpenden, Hertfordshire.
What has been your proudest moment? My proudest moment was at the start of studying reflexology. I was working with a case study, who had been trying to conceive for a long time, when I discovered that she was pregnant before she knew herself. A very humble and special experience.
Future plans? I am aiming to start offering twice weekly treatment sessions at Neal’s Yard in Shrewsbury. I am also going to be doing a Hotstone Reflexology course and a Pregnancy Reflexology course.
What inspired you to become therapist? I had been working as a secretary and PA within the oil industry and was fed up of ‘drifting’ from one dead end job to another. I liked the idea of being able to ‘help’ people and I was drawn towards becoming an aromatherapist, which is quite ironic really – leaving behind the environment of industrial, petroleum oil to be working with fragrant aroma oils. I liked the idea and flexibility of working from home.
Most embarrassing encounter? Many years ago, whilst practicing in Cyprus when an elderly client insisted on getting onto the couch on his own and subsequently fell to the floor with a loud thud. I was unable to get him off the floor but luckily a friend who happened to be a nurse was at hand to assist… He did return for further sessions!
Children? Two daughters, Nathalie 20 and Zoe 17.
Pets? None at present but used to have pet rats.
Name one regret you may have? Not going to Canada as an Au pair at 16 after I replied to an advert in the Lady magazine. It was great to plan and imagine ‘setting sail’ but then was too scared when it became a reality and stayed put.
Funniest thing you have ever worn? Cleopatra at Llani fancy dress. It was great fun to be in ‘disguise’ and not being recognised, that was until I spoke …..
What song do you love to dance to? Funnily, ‘Don’t feel like dancing’ by Scissor Sisters
When is it good to be lazy? Whenever I feel the need to look after myself. I recently moved and have been overdoing it, so being lazy is good at times to recharge my batteries.
When was the last time you were happy for no reason? I am happy when I wake up in the morning. I think to myself how great it is to have another day here on planet Earth and that I have another chance to be the best possible ‘me’.
Are you a lover or a fighter? Explain. I think I am both. I try to look for loving, peaceful ways to do things and I tend to be philosophical in my thinking to work out what would be the best way. I would however fight for what I love.
What is the biggest snowstorm you remember? Skiing in France. I remember being sad when we arrived at the resort and there was no snow at all. When we woke the following morning, I could not open the ground floor windows as it had snowed so much. Everything had changed overnight into this exhilarating winter wonderland.
What food makes you think of Christmas? Has to be ‘stollen’ and mince pies. Or chestnut and mushroom en croute in red wine sauce….
What magazine do you look for when you are stuck in the waiting room? Sadly, HELLO. I would never normally buy it but occasionally I like to ‘go’ into another world – my brain goes into ‘mushland’. I admire colours and textiles of other houses while at the same time observing how I feel about it - fascination, envy, admiration, desire….
How would you explain ‘love’ to somebody who had never heard of it before? It is a feeling in your heart (hard to put this into words) when you want to give to another more than to yourself. Love takes your breath away. It is mixed with the word ‘life’ which is mixed with the word ‘god’, not in a religious sense but about being alive and feeling whole and connected.